R210A (16:00-19:00)
Published: Tuesday, June 28; July 5, 12, 19, and 26.
Final Paper Published: Saturday, July 30.
R210B (19:00-22:00)
Published: Thursday. June 30; July 7, 14, 21, and 28.
Final Paper Published: Sunday, July 31.
Week 2 (June 27- July 01):
R210C (16:00-19:00)
Published: Tuesday, August 2, 9, 16, 23, and 30.
Final Paper Published: Saturday, September 3.
M100 (19:00-22:00)
Published: Thursday, August 5, 11, 18, 25; and September 1.
Final Paper Published: Sunday, September 4.
I am trying not to put much technical information into my posts as to not interfere with the process and the institution that offers these classes, an others, to the laity and those seeking further growth in our Faith. I am, however, noting my understanding of the topics and how I interpret each piece of information that helps bring up the ministry of the Church.
Once again, so that is clearer, this is a two-week condensed course that usually takes about TWENTY weeks to successfully complete the certification process (going from a 15 hours per class that meets once a week for about 3 hours each time model to a 12.5 hours per class that meets every day in one week for about 2.5 hours model). So, it IS a heavy structure at a fast pace.
I recommend anyone and everyone involved in Ministry to get Certified and thus provide a better Service to your Community!
Therefore, thanks to the "Future Post" or "Scheduled Post" (however you want to call it) feature provided by Google's Blogger... this blog will be running on "Auto Pilot" for the next couple of months. This will allow me to focus on that what is near and urgent to deal with. Specially the creation, duplication, and distribution of the Jubilee DVD for the St. Polycarp Church community... now rendering for a special screening at this Sundays Farewell Reception for the Priests and Sister Loan. I WILL MISS THEM GREATLY!
Blessings to you, the reader, and may we have an AWESOME SUMMER!!! ^_^Vm !!!
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